Sunday 12 November 2017

Ayurved panchakarma basic concept ; vaman, virecan, basti, nasya, rakta mokshan

Ayurved panchakarma

Health in Ayurved is considered as balance of three, vata : pitta : kapha. If these are balanced then a state of health is achieved. In unbalanced state it can cause many diseases and even death.

Panchakarma includes 2 words pancha+karma. pancha means five and karma means process.

Panchakarma is an exclusive treatment of Ayurved which permanently cures all the ailments.

In Ayurved treated can be divided into two :
1. Shaman treatment (reduction)
2. Shodhan treatment (extraction)

The shodhan treatment includes the panchakarma in which the waste product; the factors causing ailments (vata,pitta,kapha) in the body are extracted by 5 types of process.

1. Vaman
2. Virecan (purgative)
3. Basti (enema)
4. Nasya (nasal drops)
5. Rakta mokshan (blood letting)

Before doing panchakarma it is important to follow the "pre-process" of panchakarma which is snehan and swedan.

Snehan is a process in which the body is made snigdha by the means of external and internal use of Ghee or Tail or vasa (fat) or maja (marrow). Snehan is very important as it makes the channels in the body slimy so that the elements causing the ailments can be easily extracted from body.

Swedan is a process in which medicated  steam or any other form of heat is provided to the body.
This makes expansion of the channels which helps in expulsion of waste product from body.

1. Vaman

Vaman karma

Vaman is considered as the best treatment in the khaphaj rog, also includes ailments related to stomach, lungs, throat region and mouth.

In vaman karma, After proper snehan and swedan the patient is given herbal medicine is given to patient which leads to controlled  vomiting. The vomitous brings with itself all the waste product especially kapha.

2. Virecan (purgative)

Virecan karma

Virecan is considered best treatment in pittaj roga, also includes ailments related to small intestine and large intestine and all the pittaj roga.

Virecan is similar to the vaman karma but in virecan the medication given removes the waste product through the anal canal by causing controlled purgation.

3. Basti (enema)

Basti karma

Basti is considered ultimate treatment in Ayurved panchakarma. It can cure many diseases related to vayu. Vayu is considered king and vayu in a balanced state is the reason for health and in unbalanced state it causes disease or even death.
In basti, medicated oil or medicated decoction is given in the form of enema. The oil or decoction remains in the body for a limited time and then comes out of the body through anal canal.

4. Nasya (nasal drops)

Nasya karma

Nasya is useful in any kind of head and trunk ailments.
In nasya medicated oil, decoction, herbal juice ,milk is inserted in the nostrils in droplets form. It is easy but very powerful process as it is related to the one of the most important part of our body - head.

5. Rakta mokshan (blood letting)

Rakta mokshan

Rakta mokshan or blood letting is also considered the best treatment in Ayurved panchakarma. It can be even used as emergency treatment in Ayurved.
The blood is sucked or allowed to flow from the veins by using leech or fine needle or vaccum. It requires experience to do so.

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