Friday 10 November 2017

Ayurved herbs ; Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) and Neem (Azadiracta indica)

Ayurved herb - Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)

Sanskrut name : सुलभा, बहुमंजरी, भूतध्नी,

English name : Holy basil

Intro :
It is considered as sacred plant in india. 30-75 cm in length with serrated leaves having aromatic smell. Leaves have 0.7% aromatic oil. The plant is of two types green tulsi (as stem is green in colour) and Black tulsi (as stem is black in colour)

Medicinal part : leaves and seeds

Uses :

  • Its leaves juice is been in use in India for thousands of years as a cough expectorent and in asthamatic patient along with Marich powder (piper nigrum) taken after adding tea spoon of honey.
  • The leaves juice is also used in fever (malarial ,typhoid) and it also increases the digestive power of the stomach.
  • The black seeds are having diuretic properties and used with other diuretics medicine in urinary tract disorder.
  • Externally the leaf juice can also be applied on wound as it have antiseptic properties.

Dose: leaves juice - 10- 200 ml
           Seed - 1-2 gms


Ayurved herb : Neem (Azadiracta Indica)

Sanskrut name : पिचुमर्द, तिक्तक, हिंगुनिर्यास

English name : Margosa indian lilac

Intro :
Found in many region of india. The tree grows to a length of 13-17 metres with serrated leaves. It have small 12 mm small fruit with one seed which tastes astringent in raw state and sweet when it is rippened.

Chemical composition :
The leaves are bitter as it contains margosine, nimbidin, nimbin. It also contains 6% tanin in outer bark. The seeds contains 31 % bitter taste oil having nimbidol 0.6% , oleic acid  50-60% , stearic acid 21% and palmitic acid 15% .

Medicinal part :
Leaves, bark powder, oil, flower (almost every part is having a medical property !!!)


  • The bark of neem is used in malarial patient. 
Prepare a decoction (30ml) of neem leaves   add sunth 10 gm (zingiber officinale), marich 10 gm (piper nigrum), loung 10 gm (syzygium aromaticus), twice a day.
  •  It is as potent as that of chloroquine and in many malarial resistant cases neem is the drug of choice.
  • The leaves juice have a remarkable result in slskin disorders like eczema, scabies, pemphigus, itching and also few fungal infection.
The ghee prepared from the leaf juice provide a higher immunity against skin disorders and prevents it recourrence.

Take 250 ml of ghee add neem leaf juice 500ml and 100 grams of neem leaves paste along with 30 grams of  triphala churan plus 30 grams of turmeric (curcuma longa). Heat the above mixture on a stove and wait until all the water is evaporated. Check the paste added, when it is easy to roll the paste between the finger your ghee is ready to use. Filter the ghee and keep it in a airtight jar. Dose : 2 spoon daily twice a day.

  • The bark decoction is also useful in syphilis (250ml two times a day) and also for external cleaning of the affected area.
Taking powdered leaves regularly also prevents pimples and dark spots in teenagers.
  • The oil obtained from its seeds are used in treatment of greying hair. (3-3 drops of oil is added in nostrils 2 times a day for 2 month) helps  slows down greying of hairs and provies a natural looks.
  • The fuits have a antihelmenthic property and thus used in form of powder in children.
  • Externally the paste of leaves if applied on wound as it have antiseptic properties.
  • The patients with skin disorders are recommend to have bath with the decoction of neem leaves. 
  • Dried leaves are kept in books and clothes as it prevents worms.
  • Dried leaves are burned to prevent mosquitoes bites and it also have gemicidal properties.

Dose : 
Bark powder - 2-4 gms
Leaf juice - 30-60 ml
Oil - 5-10 drops

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