At the age of puberty, a common complaint can be obsreved in bith malr and females i.e. of the eruptions appearing on the face.
Pimples are a cosmetic problem where along with pain, these eruptions disfigure the face and make them look ugly which worries the individual.
In Ayurved science, it is addressed by term known as yuvan pidika. This age is known as yuvavastha and these pimples/eruptions are known as yuvan pidika.
Pimples are a cosmetic problem where along with pain, these eruptions disfigure the face and make them look ugly which worries the individual.
In Ayurved science, it is addressed by term known as yuvan pidika. This age is known as yuvavastha and these pimples/eruptions are known as yuvan pidika.
Sushruta samhita states that the cause of this disease is disturbed equilibrium state of vata, kapha and rakta doshas.
How does acne occurs?
Our skin contains thousands of pores. These pores are nourished by oil glands or sebaceous glands that in turn help to keep our skin moist and nourished. Due to some reasons like bacterial infection, allergy or dirt these pores get blocked. Now the blocked pore does not let the oil to get released on the skin resulting in acne. As per ayurveda due to imbalance of three humours especially the pitta, leads to the formation of acne .
Ayurved and pimples/ acne ?
Shuruta samhita was the first and foremost to mention a whole group of diseases which have an adverse effect on the appearance and personality of an individuals and having surgical and parasurgical measures as its cure. He named it as kshudra roga. The salmali (bombax malabaricum) thorn like eruptions on the face of adults caused by kapha, vata and rakta.
Acharya vagbhata in Astang hridaya has described the signs and symptoms in more details than sushruta. The painful eruptions packed with meda, similar to the thorns of salmali (bombax malabaricum) having their site on the face of adults are known as mukha dusika or yuvana pidika.
This disease is classified under kshudra roga.
Ayurveda points out following reasons for the manifestation of pimples/acne/ yuvana pidika -
1. Intake of fried and junk food- vitiates kapha and pitta, leads to blood vitiation and acne.
2. Night awakening
3. Over usage of cosmetics- direct impact on facial skin
4. Stress and anxiety
5. Physiological changes taking place during adolescence- attributed to hormonal imbalance
6. Excess intake of non vegetarian food.
Natural Treatment of pimples/ acne:
In Ayurveda for the treatment of pimples mainly two type of chikitsa are described i.e., shodhana chikitsa and shaman chikitsa.
1. Shodhana chikitsa (detox therapy) -
1.1. Vamana (emnetics)- it is the best procedure to subside the kaphaja abnormailities.
1.2. Nasya (nasal drops) – the medicine is to be taken through nasal route. Vagbhatta has told to apply this process in the disease of pimples
1.3. Virechana (purgative)
1.4. Shiravedha (blood letting)
2. Shamana chikitsa
The shamana chikitsa includes various types of lepa and pralepa as follows:
1. The paste of vacha, rodhra, saindhava mixed with sarsapa
2. The paste of dhanyaka, vacha, lodhra and kusth
3. The paste of lodhra, dhanyaka and vacha
Herbs used in pimples are :
1. Nimba (Azadiracta indica) - blood purifier.
2. Usheera – Acts as coolant and relieves the stress.
3. Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia) – purifies the blood and improves blood circulation.
4. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) –Nourishes the skin and blood.
5. Khadira (Acacia catechu)- well known blood purifier.
5. Khadira (Acacia catechu)- well known blood purifier.
6. Draksha (vitis vinifera) – acts as coolant and improves the blood circulation.
7. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Ashwagandha (withania somnifera),Ashoka (Saraca asoca) etc – to correct hormonal imbalance
Ayurveda medicine for pimples :
1. Kaishora guggulu – Useful in many disorders involving Vata and Pitta – like gout, useful in wound healing
2. Triphala guggulu – dries up the sebum, clears the channels and pores
3. Arogya Vardhini Vati – good liver enzyme booster, Pitta balancing.
4. Mahamanjishtadi kashaya – One of the best Kashaya to detoxify and cleanse blood.
5. Panchanimba choorna – fight skin infection.
6. Triphaladi kashaya - Useful in cleansing the pores.
7. Avipathikar choorna – useful in pitta imbalance condition.
8. Khadirarishta – blood purifier
9. Usheerasava – blood purifier
10. Chandanasava – especially useful in oily skin, to dry up sebum.
11. Aravindasava – blood tonic.
1. Kaishora guggulu – Useful in many disorders involving Vata and Pitta – like gout, useful in wound healing
2. Triphala guggulu – dries up the sebum, clears the channels and pores
3. Arogya Vardhini Vati – good liver enzyme booster, Pitta balancing.
4. Mahamanjishtadi kashaya – One of the best Kashaya to detoxify and cleanse blood.
5. Panchanimba choorna – fight skin infection.
6. Triphaladi kashaya - Useful in cleansing the pores.
7. Avipathikar choorna – useful in pitta imbalance condition.
8. Khadirarishta – blood purifier
9. Usheerasava – blood purifier
10. Chandanasava – especially useful in oily skin, to dry up sebum.
11. Aravindasava – blood tonic.
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