Thursday 16 November 2017

Ayurved herbs , vasa (Adhatoda vasica)

Ayurved drug - vasa (Adhatoda vasica)

Sanskrut name : भिषङ् माता, सिंहास्य, वाजिदन्ता, सिंहपर्ण

English name : Malabar nut

Intro :
Found in many regions of India. It is a shrub of height 1- 2.5 mts having long oval shaped leaves with pointed ends. The fowers are white in colour which looks like the face of laughing lion when seen from front. Hence it is known as सिंहास्य in sanskrut.

Chemical composition : Leaves contains vasicine, adhatonic acid.

Medicinal parts : leaves, flower

Uses :

  • In coughing , it is a potent mucolytic agent. Which is helpful in expectoring cough.
Vasa Leaves juice (5-10 ml) add turmeric (curcuma longa) 5gm, pippali (piper longum) 5gm, rock salt 5gm and a teaspoon of honey... 2 times a day.
  • The leaves juice (10ml) along with trikatu 20mg is used internally in bleeding piles. It is also prevents bleeding nose.
  • In malarial patient the leaves powder 1-2 gms twice a day.
  • The decoction 30ml twice a day, prepared from the leaves and flower is used in skin disease. 
  • Ghee prepared from vasa leaves is used in eczema, scabies and ring worm.
Take ghee 250 ml add vasa leaves paste 125 gm, triphala churan 40 gms, turmeric 40gms and 500 ml of water. Heat the mixture on the stove. Keep the heat slow until all the water is evaporated. Check the paste, when the paste added forms pills then the ghee is ready to use. Filter the ghee.

Vasa ghee
2 spoon twice a day.
  •  Externally,,, The dried leaves are used and burnt the smoke inhaled by asthamatic patient provides relief.
  • The vasa leaves prevents the growth of mosquitoes, flies and other microbes in surroundings. 
  • The vasa leaves kept in water tanks prevents water from contamination.

Dose :

Leaves powder - 1-2 mg
Leaves juice - 5-15 ml
Flower powder - 0.5- 1 gms
Decoction - 10-20 ml

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