Thursday 16 November 2017

Ayurved herbs , Amlaki (Emblica officinalis)

Amlaki (Emblica officinalis)

Sanskrut name : शिव, धात्रीफल, अमृतफल, श्रीफल 

English name : Emblic myrobalan , Indian gooseberry

Amlaki is found in most of places in India. Upto 6 mts. Of height. The trunk is light brownish colour. The leaves are small and during spring, all the leaves fall. The fruits are small, round shape having 6 strips over it. They are astringent and sour in taste. The Amalki  fruits from Banaras are considered good. The brown colour small seeds is protected within a strong capsule. The seeds contains oil in it.

Chemical composition : Tannin, galic acid and glucose. It mostly contains vit-C and pectin. 100 gm of amlaki contains 600-mg of vit-C.

Parts used : Fruits

Uses :
  • It is one of the most important herb in Ayurved medicine preparation.
  • It is used in large amount in preparation of triphala churan, Chyavan prash avleh, Amlaki rasayan, Avipatikar churan etc.
  • According to charaka samhita , The amlaki fruit juice is useful in diabetes. It is taken along with Haridra (curcuma longa) and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). Many ayurvedic pharmaceuticals preparations for diabetes contains amlaki powder or its extracts.
  • The amlaki fruit juice is also used in scurvy (vit -C deficiency disease) weakness and difficulty in micturation.
  • In charak samhita, amlaki fruits is considered as a rejuvenating herb. Is is said that amlaki fruit taken at certain month of year during a full moon day helps in rejuvenating body and helps in living a long healthy life. 
  • The amlaki powder have also aphrodisiac properties it is used in infertility and low sperm count.
  • The powder of amlaki, one spoon daily twice a day is used in stomatitis, loss of appetite, bleeding disorders, piles, diarrhea, stomach ulcer and deodunal ulcers.

Dose : amlaki powder : 3-10 grams

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