Friday 23 September 2022

Unhealthy food combinations (Virudha ahar)

Today we are going to learn about some of the combination of food which have become a part of our diet but are really unhealthy.

Lets see which are they. And comment if you are taking any of it 😉.

Ayurveda life style always prefer safer and healthy food habits.

In these times many of our food habits and food combination have become unhealthy which deteriorates our well being.

What is Viriddha Ahar ?

A Virudha ahar are contraindicated food combinations which when taken are heavy for body to digest resulting in side effects observed in a few days or after many years. It is even stated poisonous to Body.

Examples of Virudha ahar ?

The scriptures have already provided many unhealthy food combinations which must be always be avoided; following is the list which we take in our day to day life :

- Milk with any fruits (eg. Fruit salad)
- Milk with onion, Radish
- Milk with food (can be taken after 1 hr. Of meal intake)
- Milk with dahi / buttermilk / lassi etc.
- Milk with non veg food like fish.

- Gud (jaggery) with onion

- Honey with ghee
- Honey with hot water
- Honey after exercise
- Taking honey after heating it
- Honey with lotus seeds

- Udad dal with Radish

- Ripened banana with dahi (curd)

- Dahi (curd) at night
- Ghee kept in copper vessel for many days

If taken in past then what ?

Treatment is by upvasa ( being on empty stomach) with pachak dravya like pippali, chitrak, dhanyak, sunthi etc.

Panchakarma for removing all the toxins from the body as early as possible.

Is it possible that unknowingly we might have taken Viruddha ahar ?

Yes, It is advised to do Panchakarma once a year to remove all the toxins from the body.

What if habitual consumer of Viruddha ahar ?

Steadily decrease the amount in a step ladder form.
If taking 100 ml curd at night reduce it to
on day 1 -  90 ml
on day 2 - 100 ml
on day 3 - 90 ml
on day 4 - 80 ml
on day 5 - 90 ml
on day 6 - 80 ml
on day 7 - 70 ml
on day 8 - 80 ml and so on, till it reaches to zero.

That is all for today. Thank you for spreading Ayurveda.

Do comment if find helpful.

Disclaimer : it is always recommended to take ayurveda medicine after consulting your nearest Ayurveda vaidya.

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