Thursday 21 December 2017

How to get rid of Grey hairs and hair fall naturally

Ayurved approach in Hair fall :

Hair is a defining character of human. It is precious to all. The problem related to hair fall and graying of hair is usually seen during cold winters and in teenage groups as they are more conscious towards there looks. And seeing it growing into some boring, undesirable colour can be very upsetting.
Even though hair aging depends largely on uncontrollable factors like genetics, but preventive measure can be taken in order to keep the hair young.

Ayurved is based upon the concept of the three dośa present in any living organism.
1. Vata
2. pitta
3. Kapha

The body in which all the three dośa are in equilibrium is said to be healthy and if they are vitiated because of any external or internal factors the body is said to be unhealthy.

Pancakarma is a line of treatment exclusively given in Ayurved for extraction of vitiated dośa by performing various procedures and setting back the equilibrium of the dośa for a healthy being.

Nasya is one of the karma included in Pancakarma (1.vamana 2. Virechana 3. Niruh basti 4. Anuvasan basti 5. Nasya). Susruta acharya have also included rakta mokśan in pancakarma.

Nasya karma, in which the dośa are extracted (shodhan) or stabilized (shaman) present in the upper region of the body i.e. head and neck (urdhva jatrugat) using drops of ghee, oil, decoction (kwath), herbal juice (svarasa), cow urine (gomutra), and many other preparation given in the sastra in both the nostrils during an appropriate time.

Nasya karma

According to charaka acharya, the best way to extract the vitiated dośa from the body is from the shortest route available.  So the dośas present in the head and neck region (urdhava jatrugat) can easily be extracted if Nasya karma is preferred. As the shortest route available to head and neck is the nasal region.

Nasya is of many types but the important two types are snehan nasya (lubrication) and shodhan nasya (extraction).

Pratimarsha nasya is also a type of nasya karma, in which 2-2 drops of medicated oil are dropped inside the both the nostrils.

Pratimarsha nasya is considered as a mild and harmless procedure and can be given to anyone irrespective of age and can be used at any time of the day. It can be used without any strict day to day precautions (pathya palan).

The 14 appropriate time for pratimarsha nasya are as follows :
1. Early morning
2. At evening
3. After waking at mid day
4. After light meal
5. After brushing teeth
6. After exercise
7. Before leaving house
8. After copulation
9. After walking long distances
10. After urination
11. After expulsion of flatus
12. After gargling
13. After sneezing
14. After medicating eyes

Pratimarsha Nasya can be taken at any time of the day but above given time provides more results. 

Pratimarsha Nasya preferable age group :
After 8 years of age and before 80 years.
Pratimarsha Nasya should not be used continuously a break in the course is advised.
Like, in a 14 day course, continuous pratimarsha nasya for 6 day is advised after which a break for 1 day and then a 7 day continuous course is preferred.

Pratimarsha Nasya karma procedure :
I. pre procedure :
1. After proper examination Patient is selected for nasya karma.
2. Proper medicated liquid (oil, ghee, leaves juice, decoction etc.) is selected for the procedure.
3. Switch off the fan or AC before taking nasya.
4. Patient is asked to lie in a supine position on a comfortable bed with head tilt a little in backward direction and relax. ( For tilting a pillow can be used by keeping it under the neck)

II. Main procedure :
5. 3-3 drops of medicated oil are added in both the nostrils and patient is instructed to relax.
6. Patient is asked to count to 100 and relax.
7. When the oil is felt in the throat region Patient is asked to spit it out and not to swallow the oil.
8. The oil which is felt in the nasal region is left without trying to sneeze deliberately.

III. After procedure :
9. The facial region of the patient is given a warm sudation by rubbing both the hands.
10. Mouth is to be gargled with warm water to remove the sliminess.
11. Proper instructions are given to the patient regarding the nasya after procedure.

Precautions After Nasya :
a) Sneezing deliberately should be avoided. (if patient feels an urge to sneeze it should not be restricted)
b) Long rides and travelling on bike should be avoided. If necessary, patient is instructed to cover nose and mouth with a towel or a handkerchief.
c) Sitting under the fan and AC room should be avoided.
d) Working under harsh afternoon sun should be avoided.
e) Washing of hairs and face should be avoided.
f) Drinking cold water should be avoided.
g) Alcohol and smoking should be avoided.
These precautions are to be followed only for an hour after taking Nasya, after which patient can follow his daily routine.

Explaining Nasya :
Ayurved believes that the medications inserted through nostrils reaches the vital spot called kshangatak marma and then circulates in veins to reach head, throat, eyes, and ears.
Nasal cavity is believed to be the window to reach the head region.
Most of the aliments of head and neck region can be cured by the Nasya.

Nasya effects :
Nasya doesn’t have any side effects.
The medications used are all natural herbs. But in few patients slight burning sensation in the nasal cavity, irritation, sneezing, and watery eyes is seen.
These are generally because of common reasons; Nasya contains medicated oil which creates burning sensation on the first time application which subsides gradually after regular use.
Sneezing and watery eyes are also because of the same reason. 
The til tail have a natural hot potency which causes irritation in the nasal cavity.
In many cases patient doesn’t follow the precautions. Like; patient refusing to cover nose and mouth after Nasya and prefer long rides on bike or sits under fan and AC room complains about headache.

Additional advantages of Nasya : 
• Adding oil in the nasal cavity provides additional immunitty to the body as the medicated oil used in the Nasya increases the sliminess of the cavity this leads to sticking of dust particles and microbes to the oil.
• The medicated oil used removes the extra mucus from the nasal cavity and throat region. This leads to clearing of the nasal cavity.
• Nasya always have a soothing effect to the nasal region.
• According to the Ayurved scripts, Nasya provides freshness to the head region which in turn increases the efficiency in thinking, decision ability and
• The freshness effect from the Nasya keeps the face looking more young and energetic.

• Nasya is considered as the passage to reach the eyes, ears and head region which gives healthy sight and hearing capacity.

Sunday 10 December 2017

Natural treatment for indigestion , loss of apetite, diarrhoea

Ayurved have always provide mankind with easy and low cost solution for many ailments.

Here below given medicine is one of the oldest drug in treatment of indigestion , loss of apetite, diarrhoea and have proven to be very useful.

Ingridents :
  1. Shuddha Hingu (Ferula Narthex) Resin ...20 gm.
  2. Shunthi (Zinziber Officinalis) Rhizome ...20 gm.
  3. Pipali (Piper longum) Fruit ...20 gm.
  4. Maricha (Piper nigrum) Fruit ...20 gm.
  5. Ajmoda (Carum Bulbocastanum) Fruit ...20 gm.
  6. Jiraka (Cuminum Cyminum) Seed ...20 gm.
  7. Shyah Jiraka (Clumber Bulbocastanum) Seed ...20 gm.
  8. Saindhava (Rock salt) ...20 gm.

Method of Preparation:

▷ All ingredients were taken as mentioned above.
▷ It was prepared coarse powder form by home mixture or readymade powder of some drug can also be bought from market.
▷ Powder was passed by sieve.
▷ Then all 8 separate powder were mixed thoroughly.
▷ The final powder is obtained and ready to use.

Dose : 1/2 spoon before meal with ghee.

Observations :
▷ At the time of pounding and grinding, good smell of ingredients was felt.
▷ It was easily powdered by mixer.
▷ the final product was fine powder, dark Olive Green color with pleasant smell.

Precautions :

▷ Ingredients should take genuine.
▷ Heat should not generate at the time of grinding.
▷ It should be prepare to form fine powder.

 Bhaishajya Ratnavali Agnimandhya 37
त्रिकटुकमजमोदा सैन्धवं जीरकं द्रे समधरणध्रुतानामष्टमो हिन्गुभाग:
प्रथमकवलभुक्तं सर्पिषा चूर्णमेतज्जनयति जठराग्नि वातरोगान्स्च हन्ति 

Sunday 3 December 2017

Homemade Natural digestive pills Ayurved


The problem of digestion is one of the most common complaint seen these days.
The allopathic drugs only provides a temporary relief along with other side effects. Hence most of people have chosen Ayurved and herbal treatment as a better option.
The digestive pills from ayurvedic herbs can be easily prepared at home without any expert technical knowledge and expensive machinery.

  1. Chitrak (Plambago zeylanicam) Root - 10 gm.
  2. Pipplimula (Piper longum) Root - 10 gm.
  3. Sunthi (Zingiber officinale) Rhizome - 10 gm.
  4. Pippali (Piper longum) Fruit - 10 gm.
  5. Hingu (Ferula narthex) Resin - 10 gm.
  6. Chavya (Piper retrofractum) Root - 10 gm.
  7. Yava Kshara - 10 gm
  8. Swarjika Kshara - 10 gm
  9. Saindhava lavana (Rock salt) - 10 gm.
  10. Bid Lavana (Artificial Lavana) - 10 gm.
  11. Saurchala Lavana - 10 gm.
  12. Audbhid Lavana - 10 gm.
  13. Samudra Lavana (sea salt) - 10 gm.

Bhavana Drava- Nimbu Swarasa
Citrus Lemon  Q.S.

Method of Preparation:
▷ All above mentioned ingredients were taken as prescribed manner.
▷ It was powdered and mixed properly in a mixer. It was passed through a sieve to receive fine powder.
▷ Powder was taken in to porcelain bowl and added adequate quantity of fresh Nimbu Swarasa (citrus lemon).
▷ It was triturated for one day, this type total 3 Bhavana was given after that it was prepared size of a small pill manually.
▷ Pills were put in a Tray under the Sun light for drying.
▷ Digestive  pill was prepared.

Confirmative Test
▷ After one day it was became smooth paste form and prepared pill form.
▷ Pills were dark Grey in color with pleasant smell of lemon.

1-2 pill before meal. 

▷ All ingredients should taken for mixer powder preparation.
▷ Lemon Swarasa should be taken fresh for each Bhavana.
▷ Pills size should be same and it should dry under the Sunlight.

Reference :

Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana 15/96-97

चित्रकं पिप्पलीमूलं द्रौ क्षारो लवणानि च 
व्योषं हिन्गव्जमोदा च चव्यं चैकत्र चूर्णयेत
गुटिका मातुलुङ्गस्य दाडिमस्य रसेन वा 
कृता विपाचयत्यां दिपयतत्याशु चानलं 

Saturday 2 December 2017

Ayurved herb/drug substitution - adulteration


History of drug unavailability is as old as Ayurveda.When a large number of rare drugs have been referred, treatment should be done appropriately with the available drugs only. Availability of quality raw plant material is a burning issue.
Because of that, the first and foremost need of the hour is to have a uniform pattern for the selection of various herbal sources of drugs. In the light of current scarcity of several medicinal herbs, there is greater need to discover suitable substitutes for them.

Reasons for substitution of raw drugs are : 
Increasing demand
Incorrect identification
Breakdown in chain of knowledge transfer

The difference between adultration and substitution :

It is a practice of substituting original crude drug partially or wholly with other similar looking substances but later is either free from or inferior in chemical and therapeutic properties.

Substitution –
It occurs when some totally different substance is added in the place of original drug. 

Common terms used along with the term Adulteration in Pharmacognosy

Adulteration involves different conditions such as deterioration, admixture, sophistication, inferiority and spoilage.
Deterioration is impairment in the quality of the drug.
Admixture is addition of one article to another due to ignorance or carelessness or by accident.
Sophistication is the intentional or deliberate type of adulteration.
Inferiority refers to any substandard drug,
Spoilage is due to the attack of micro-organisms.

According to modern literature and legal aspect, all substitutes are considered as adulterants.

1. Substitution with standard commercial varieties
2. Substitution with superficially similar inferior drugs
3. Substitution with artificially manufactured substances
4. Substitution with exhausted drugs
5. Substitution with synthetic chemicals
6. Presence of vegetative matter from the same plant
7. Harmful adulterants
8. Adulteration of powders

1. Substitution with substandard commercial varieties
Resemblance in morphological, chemical or therapeutic characters
Substandard in nature
Cheaper in cost
Most common practice of adulteration e.g. Indian senna - Arabian senna and dog senna; Medicinal ginger - its inferior varieties, viz. African, Japanese and Cochin ginger.

2. Substitution with superficially similar inferior drugs
May or may not be having any chemical or therapeutic value
Marketed as adulterants due to morphological resemblance e.g. Saffron – Dried flowers of Carthamus tinctorius,   Clove – Mother cloves and clove stalks

3. Substitution with artificially manufactured substances
For costlier drugs e.g. Compressed chicory in place of coffee ,Shaped basewood for nutmeg.

4. Substitution with exhausted drugs
Same drug but devoid of medicinally active constituents due to previous extraction
Common practice in case of volatile oil containing drugs like fennel, clove, coriander, caraway etc.
Manipulation in colour and taste of exhausted drugs by adding other additive e.g. exhausted gentian made bitter with aloes; artificial colouring of exhausted saffron

5. Substitution with synthetic chemicals
To enhance the natural character  e.g. Addition of benzyl benzoate to balsam of Peru; Citral to citrus oils like oil of lemon and orange oil etc.

6. Presence of vegetative matter from the same plant
Due to resemblance in colour, odour in some cases constituents e.g. Mixing of Senna leaves and stem

7. Harmful adulterants
Collection and admixture of wastes from market
Noticed for liquid or unorganised drugs e.g. limestones in asafetida; Rodent faecal matter to cardamom seed

8. Adulteration of powders
Frequent form of adulteration e.g. powdered liquorice or gentian admixed with powdered olive stones; Red sanders wood in capsicum


Kusha, Ashmantak, Bala vacha were used for Munja
Kasha were used for Kusha

The prior Acharyas like Charaka and Susruta have not given direct reference or listing of substitute s (Pratinidhi dravyas) but, Acharya Vagbhata has stated a shlok for pratinidhi dravya 

The term Pratinidhi dravya was first introduced by Vangasen.
Detail description regarding Pratinidhi dravyas can be traced from Bhavaprakasha, Yogaratnakara and Bhaishajya-ratnavali.


Non-availability of the drug
Ashtavarga Dravyas.
Talisa patra i. e. Abies webiana Lindl. -Pinaceae , Taxus baccata Linn-Taxaceae

Uncertain identity of the drug

Eg: - for the herb Lakshmana different species such as Arlia quinquefolia, Ipomea sepiaria etc are considered
For Soma different species such as Ephedra gerardiana, Ceropegia juncea Roxb, Sarcostemma brevistigma etc are considered.

Cost of the drug-costly herb is substituted by cheaper herb
Eg. Kumkuma (Rs.1,50,000/kg) - Kusumbha (Rs.150/kg)
Ativisha (Rs.8000/kg)  – Musta (Rs.80/kg)

Geographical distribution of the drug
Eg. Rasna - Pluchea lanceolata is used in Northern India while in Southern parts Alpinia galanga is considered as the source.

List of region wise different botanical sources of plants

1. Plant herb : Agaru
Accepted source : Aquilaria agallocha (Hymelaeaceae)
Other source : South India:
Dysoxylum malabaricum (Meliaceae)

2. Plant herb : Bharangi
Accepted source : clerodendrum serratum
Other source : South India:
Premna herbacea (Verbenaceae)
Picrasma quassioides (Simarubaceae)

3. Plant drug : Daruharidra
Accepted source : Berberis aristata
Other source : South India:
Coscinium fenestratum (Menispermaceae)

4. Plant drug : Duralabha/ Dhanvayasa
Accepted source : Fagonia cretica
Other source : South India:
Tragia involucrate (Euphorbiaceae)

5. Plant drug : Hapusha/
Accepted source : Havusha
Juniperus communis
Other source : South India:
Sphaeranthus indicus (Asteraceae)

6. Plant drug : jivanti
Accepted source : Leptadenia reticulata
Other source : South India:
Holostemma rheedei (Asclepiadaceae)

7. Plant drug : kiratatikta
Accepted source : swertia chirata
Other source: South India:
Andrographis paniculata (Acanthaceae)

8. Plant drug : Murva
Accepted source : Marsdenia tenacissima
Other source : South India:
Chonemorpha macrophylla (Apocynaceae)
Sansevieria roxburghiana (Liliaceae) (IMPCOPS, Chennai)

9. Plant drug : Nagakeshara
Accepted source : Mesua ferrea (Clusiaceae)
Other source : south India:
Calophyllum inophyllum (Clusiaceae)
Cinnamomum wightii (Lauraceae) and Dillenia pentagyna (Dilleniaceae) fruits

10. Plant drug :Prasarini
Accepted source : Paederia foetida
Other source : South India:
Merremia tridentate (Convolvulaceae)

11. Plant drug : Priyangu
Accepted source : callicarpa macrophylla
Substitute:  Prunus mahaleb (Rosaceae)
South India:
Callicarpa tomentosa (Verbenaceae); Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Rutaceae);
Aglaia roxburghiana fruits (Meliaceae);
Myristica malabarica (Myristicaceae)
dried flowers (IMPCOPS, Chennai)

12. Palnt drug : Prishniparni
Accepted source : Uraria picta (Fabaceae)
Other source : South India:
Pseudarthria viscida (Fabaceae)
Desmodium gangeticum (Papilionaceae)

13. Plant drug : Rasna
Accepted source : Pluchea lanceolata
Alpinia galanga (Zingiberaceae)
South India:
Alpinia calcarata and Alpinia galanga (Zingiberaceae)
Dodonaea viscosa (Sapindaceae)
Eastern India:
Vanda roxburghii (Orchidaceae)
Lepidagathis trinervis (Acanthaceae)
Blepharispermum subsessile (Compositae)

14. Plant drug : Renuka
Accepted source : Vitex agnus-castus
Other source : South India:
Vitex altissima, Vitex negundo (Verbenaceae)
In South India:
fruits of Vitex sp. are sold as a Renuka. Fruits of Piper aurantiacum (Piperaceae) are used as Harenuka/Renuka.
(IMPCOPS, Chennai.)

15. Plant drug : Sahachara
Accepted source : Barleria prionitis
Other source : South India:
Niligirianthus ciliates (Acanthaceae)
Ecbolium viride (Nila Sahachara), Justica betonica (Shweta Sahachara) (Acanthaceae)

16. Plant drug :Sariva
Accepted source : Hemidesmus indicus
Other source : South India: As shweta Sariva
Decalepis hamiltonii (Asclepiadaceae); Cryptolepis buchanani (Asclepiadaceae);
Ichnocarpus frutescens used as Krishna Sariva (Apocynaceae)
Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka:
Decalepis hamiltonii (Asclepiadaceae)

17. Plant drug : Shati
Accepted source :Hedychium spicatum
Other source:  South India:
Kaempeferia galanga,
Curcuma zedoaria (Zingiberaceae)

18. Plant drug : Shankha pushpi
Accepted source : Convolvulus pluricaulis
Other source : South India:
Evolvulus alsinoides (Convolvulaceae), Clitoria ternatea (Fabaceae)
Canscora decussate (Gentianaceae), Lavandula bipinnata (Labiateae; Lamiaceae)

19. Plant drug : shringi, Karkata-shringi
Accepted source : Pistacia integerrima (galls)
Other source : South India:
Rhus semialata galls, Rhus succedanea galls (Anacardiaceae)

20. Plant drug :Vidari
Accepted source : Pueraria tuberosa
Other source : South India:
Adenia hondala (Passifloraceae); Ipomoea paniculata (Convolvulaceae); Cycas circinalis (Cycadaceae)

Intolerance of the drug
Bhallatak-Rakta chandan

Regional synonyms

Ubhosameravo (Alysicarpus longifolius) is used in place of Prishniparni (Uraria picta) by some traditional healers of Saurashtra region (Gujarat) due to similarity in the vernacular names of both the species.

Seasonal availability
Varshabhu is only found in rainy season

Shelf life of the drug
Dravyas having lesser shelf life should be substituted by those having comparatively more shelf life. e.g. Musta can be used in place of Ativisha which is having lesser shelf life.

Chemical composition
Same chemical constituent Berberine is found in both Haridra and Daruharidra.